Produced by Bekuplastin April 2009. No mark of ownership. E2 multi-use container Tara 2,0kg. 30kg/ 500kg. Lebensmittelecht. DIN 55423. Only to be used on pallets or with trolleys. EHI Anforderungsprofil. Prüfungsecht.Found in the Hauptstarsse, Berlin Schöneberg.
Produced by Kutoglu Plasticin 11771 Manisa. Phonenumber 30653.Silkscreen inscription in French: Raisin La Pulpe. An additional inscription is hand-written with a soldering iron: MOLY. One of the corners has been repaired with a wire. Traded in a Market in South-West France in 2010.
Produced by Bekuplast, 49824 Ringe, Germany, may 2000.Property of Europool Systems iisv. B7. M. Not to be used for others items or re-used.
Stolen from a Turkish supermarket in Berlin Kreuzberg in June 2010.
Produced by Bekuplast, 49824 Ringe, Germany, june 2000. Property of Europool Systems B2 multi-use container.
Found somewhere in Berlin, 2010.
Produced by Georg Utz, Produced in May 2013, 40-6417 -50, 05PP, 70-A 112 976, für Gurtstraffer, tara 3,6 kg.Ein Geschenk von Georg Utz GmbH.
Produced by Bekuplastin März 2011. Property of Stern Bäckerei, Unverkäufliches Eigentum. Lebensmittelecht.
Produced by Bekuplast, 49824 Ringe, Germany, march 2000. Property of Europool Systems iisv. B7. M. Not to be used for others items or re-used.
Stolen from a Turkish supermarket in Berlin Kreuzberg in 2010.
Produced by Georg Utz A.g. 5629 Bremgarten, Januar 2012.Property of COOP.Stolen at the Coop Caroline, Lausanne.
Produced by utz 40-6429 R-KLT 6429-2,97kg 05PP. VDA R 0064
Produced in Septembre 2013.A present by Georg Utz GmbH.
Property of DHL Solutions, Produced by Georg Utz 9-4063-72-51, Produced in Juli 2011, un, 4H2/X 30/S/11, B/UTZ-020177Ein Geschenk von Georg Utz GmbH.
Produced by Bekuplastin April 2007. No mark of ownership. E2 multi-use container Tara 2,0kg. 30kg/ 500kg. Lebensmittelecht. DIN 55423. Only to be used on pallets or with trolleys. EHI Anforderungsprofil. Prüfungsecht.Stolen from Holsteiner Räucherkate Wurstspezialitäten
Fleischerei und Metzgerei, Johannisthaler Chaussee 309, Berlin.
Produced by Inverko Plasticsin February 2011.No mark of ownership. E2 multi-use container Tara 2kg. 30kg/ 500kg. Lebensmittelecht. DIN 55423. FLC6420.Found on the beach in Wannsee, Berlin.
Produced by Ringo Plast in 2012.No ownership. Found in a backyard in Berlin Kreuzberg in 2012.
Produced by Bekuplast, 49824 Ringe, Germany in March 2004.Property of EVERS SPECIALS-TAUGÉ. B2 multi-use container. Bought for 5€ in a lebanese grocery shop in Berlin-Moabit.
Onvervreemdbaar eigendom van: Frisia Food B.V., Leeksterweg 59, 3433 KW Haulerwijk, +31 (0) 88 1010400, Made by Didiak Injection Belgium, Tel: +32 14507960, March 2018, Tarra 1500, 1,5 Kg, 02PP-HD, Only to be used on pallets or with trollies. Lebensmittelecht, 13, 3,Stolen at the Markthalle 9, Berlin.
Stolen at the Weinachtsmarkt in Heidelberg in 2011.
Produced by UTZ Georg Utz Group in June 2012Productnummer: 2-201-0 RAKO. 05PP. VDA R 0064. A present by Georg Utz GmbH.
Produced by Bekuplast in Ringe, Germany, in 2008.Taken from a pile of similar Container in a Supermarket parking lot in Berlin, Germany.
Produced by Bekuplastin February 2010.No mark of ownership. Multi-use container.Found in front of a Kaiser supermarket in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Produced by Stöckly Nestalin January 2008. Properieté/Eigentum Vulliamy. ST4838.Found in Zürich.
Produced by Bekuplastin December 2010.No mark of ownership. Multi-use container. Found in front of a Kaiser supermarket in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Produced by Stöckli in Netsal in 2001.Propriety of Bigler.Stolen at a petrol station between Basel and Bern in 2013.
Producer Unknown. Produced in December 2008.Property of the supermarket company Penam. EN13117, N6413. Nosnost 10kg. Stohowaci Nosnost 320 kg. Lebensmittelecht.Incorporated Magnetic Code. Stolen at the delivery entrance of a Supermarket in Prag.
Property of Marmy SA, 1470 Estavayer-le-Lac,Produced by Stöckli Nestal, Nov. 2013, 05PP, ST3483, Found somewhere in Geneva.
Property of Aldi UK, unauthorized possession is a Prosecutable offense, Produced by Linpac Alibert, 0845 850 2333,, SN641902, July 2008, W1,B8, 05PP, LABEL.Stolen in an Oxford Aldi.
Produced by Bekuplastin September 2012.No mark of ownership. Multi-use container. Found in front of a Kaiser supermarket in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Produced by Pavoni Bergamo, Italy.Property of Richard Herrmann GmbH, Unverkäufliches Eigentum. Per alimenti. Found at Herrmannplatz, Berlin Neukölln.
Produced by Bekuplastin April 2011. Property of Schiphorst Deventer. Lebensmittleecht.Gift of an employee of a bakery outlet using frozen dough. Berlin-Neukölln 2010.
Produced by Bekuplast in Verkoop in 2004.No ownership. Found in the Treptower Park in Berlin in 2012.
Patent No. 511.742. Produced in 01.2000
The box has no more inscription. Found in Prag.
Produced by Arca Systemsin September 2006.No mark of ownership. E2 multi-use container. Tara 2kg 40kg/ 500kg. Lebensmittelecht. DIN 55423. Only to be used on pallets or with trolleys. Der Kasten ist DHI genehmigt.A present from Envers Chantilly.
Produced by Georg Utz Group, May 2004, property of Tarafina AG, Lenzburg. TARA 2740g 554896.Found in Zurich near the etoy container. It has small red squares on both ends without any inscription.
Property of Eier Rühl Landfrische-Service,Produced by Albert, in 1992, REF: 19050. Bought for five Euros on the Lausitzer Plz, Berlin.
Produced by Bekuplastin March 2011. Property of Sternbäckerei, Unverkäufliches Eigentum.Taken from an organic market in Munich.
Produced by Georg Utz, VDA R 0086, 6115 ESD-2,32 kg, Nov.2012, UTZ 40-6115 EL, 05 PP, ESD.ein Geschenk von Georg Utz GmbH.
Produced by Georg Utz A.G. 5629 Bremgartenin September 1990.Property of Migros. Some parts of the printed Migros logo have been erased with an angle grinder. Found at the Place de la Riponne, Lausanne.
Produced by Wibko Kunststoff-Technik GmbH. Property of Glocken Bäckerei since 1904. Lebensmittelecht. Stolen in a shoppingmall in Mainz in 2011.
Produced by Bauhaus. Date of Production unknown. Property of Romain Löser. PP Lebensmittelecht. Bought in 2010 at the Bauhaus construction market, Hermannplatz, in Berlin.
Produced by Pavoni, Italyin 2004. Property of Richard Herrmann GmbH. Per Alimenti.Brand-marked "Hope". Found in a backyard of the Drotheimerstrasse in Berlin-Wedding on a pile of containers in bad condition.
Produced by FMD, 93106 Montreuil, France, june 1988.Property of Letherbarrows removal and Storage London-Poole-Andover. 300cl.Dug out at the foot of a tree around Schlesisches Tor in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Produced by Inverko Plasticsin June 2009.No mark of ownership. E2 multi-use container Tara 2kg. 30kg/ 500kg. Lebensmittelecht. DIN 55423. FLC3420.Stolen in Vienna, Austria, to store music cables after a concert by Esel durch Wiederholung.
Property of Artislash.Produced by Didak injection Belgium.Stolen at the Chicken Slaughterhouse in Buggenhout, BE.
Property of Ozan, Schiphorst Deventer Tel. (31)570522944, Fax. (31)570522962Produced by Bekuplastin June 2010.Type: 02 PE-HD 0
Number 7 marked with tipex.
Produced by UTZ Georg Utz Group in June 2015Productnummer: 2-201-0 RAKO. 05PP. VDA R 0064. A present by Georg Utz GmbH.
No property inscription. Produced by LINPAC ALLIBERT REF. 09A66 2011. food-safe. M. Bought in Marmande, France.
Produced by Dornburgerin 2007. Property of Müllerbrot, unveräußerliches Eigentum. Lebensmittelecht. 660.Found somewhere.
No property inscription. Produced by LINPAC ALLIBERT REF: 13035. JDE:1003362. IFS: SNE33506
Bought in Mont-de-Marsan, France.
Produced by Nord Contenitori Bergamo Italyin October 2009.No mark of ownership. Only to be used on pallets or with trolleys. Gift from a shop owner in the Mariannenstrasse, Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Produced by Per Storp Plastic Systemsin January 1994.Property of Löwen Bäcker, Leipzig. Unveräusserliches Eigentum. Modell Q.Found 2011 at the Obentrautstrasse 5 in Berlin-Kreuzberg next to a brand new Cadillac.
Property of Tim's Kanadische Backwaren, Produced by Bekuplast, Tel:+49(0)5944/9333-0,, Nov.2012, Lebensmittelecht,02 PE-HD,
Stolen at the LPG Reichenbergerstrasse.
Unverkäufliches Eigentum von Sternback 72379 Hechingen, Stücki Qualität/ Stücki Geprüft, Feb.1998, 1137-7, Lebensmittelecht, 02 PE-HD.
Found in Straßburg.
Produced by Ergoplastin April 2009.No mark of ownership. E1 multi use containerTara 1,5 kg. 25kg/ 500kg. Lebensmittelecht. DIN 55423. Only to be used on pallets or with trolleys.Found somewhere.
Produced by Georg Utz A.G. CH-5620 Bremgartenand Georg Utz GmbH DE-48465 Schüttdorf.Property of Schäfer Brotin Dezember 2011.Stolen in Gad Gandersheim.
Produced by Bekuplast, Ringein Oktober 2005.Property of Brot Würselen, Köln-Witten. Unveräußerliches Eigentum. Lebensmittelecht.A hand written inscription says: 15. Found in Mainz.
Produced by Stückly, March 1993.Property of Rügenberger Großbäckerei. 1139. Stücky geprüft.Found in the Märkische Schweiz. The logo was erased with a knife or a blade.
Produced by Ringoplastin 2010.Property of Landbäckerei Der Havelbäcker. Lebensmittelecht.Found behind a Kaiser's Supermarket in Berlin-Prenzlauerberg.
Produced and designed by Europool Systems in mai 2010. Property of Europool Systems. Lebensmittelecht. Industrial technology. Model 16. Taken from a pile of containers in Berlin Kreuzberg.
Produced by Stöckliin June 2010.Property of Ernst Stutter A.G. Tare 2.0kg multi-use container. Stöckli 8679.Has a barcode sticker.
Produced by Ergoplast in 20097. Property of Back & Frost, the frozen Backery Company.
Found in november 2012 on a garbage heap in the backyard of the Dronthheimerstrasse 17, Berlin-Wedding.
Produced by Pavoni, Bergamo Italy 1997.Property of Müller Brot. Unveräußerliches Eigentum. EF6409L. Per alimenti. Found at Leopoldplatz, Berlin-Wedding.
Produced by Arca Systemsin Februar 2002.No mark of ownership. E2 multi-use container. Tara 2kg 40kg/ 500kg. Lebensmittelecht. DIN 55423. Only to be used on pallets or with trolleys. Der Kasten ist DHI genehmigt.
Stolen somewhere in Plagwitz, Leipzig.
Produced by Georg Utz A.G. 5629 Bremgartenin April 2013.Property of Boucherie Molard, Genève. Found at the Château d´Aigle, Swizzerland.
Produced by Ergoplastin 2009. Property of Back & Frost, the frozen Backery Company.
Picked up at Boddinstrasse, Berlin-Neuköln.
Produced by Pavoni Bergamo, Italy.Property of Richard Herrmann GmbH, Unverkäufliches Eigentum. Per alimenti. Produced: Dezember 1997.
Found on a Market in Moabit, Berlin.
Produced by Novoplast, january 2008. No mark of ownership. Nosnost 5kg. Found near the Uferstrasse in Berlin-Wedding.
No property inscription. Produced by LINPAC ALLIBERT REF: 20012. JDE:1003362. IFS: SNE33506
Bought in Marmande, France.
No property inscription. Produced by LINPAC ALLIBERT REF. 13A46 2010. food-safe. M.
Following numbers are written per hand: 516363, 13A46, 2 HDPE. Bought in Marmande, France.
Property of Tatlicular Schiphorst Deventer Tel. (31)570522944 Fax. (31)570522962 Produced by Bekuplast Juin 2010Productnummer: 02 PD HDQ. A present by Tatlicular, Berlin, Wedding.
Produced by Pavoni Bergamo, Italy.Property of Richard Herrmann GmbH, Unverkäufliches Eigentum. Per alimenti. Produced: January 1999.
Stolen at the restaurant in Museum Ludwig, Cologne.
Property of Boulangerie Wolfisberg Favon, Brot von Ihrem Beck/ De votre Boulanger Le Pain. SWISS MADE WEZ OBERENTFELDEN 05 PP 51 2011. Tara 2,5kg.
Stolen in Geneva.
Produced by Ergoplast in 2010.Property of Landbäckerei der Havelbäcker. No other inscription. Taken behind a supermarket in Berlin-Prenzlauerberg.
Produced by Stucki, March 1998.Property of Sternenbeck, Unverkäufliches Eigentum, 72379 Hechingen. Stucki Qualität. Stucki geprüft. Lebensmittelecht. 1137-7. Found at the Oranienplatz in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Property of DeTeWe. Exchanged with roofing contractors on the Kreuzbergerstrasse, Berlin in 2008.
Produced by Georg Utz a.g. (Rako)in January 2000. No mark of ownership. Found in a dust bin in Berlin Wedding.
No Producer, No owner, Produced in 2012, PE-HD, LebensmittelechtStolen in Luxembourg.
Property of Motorola, CD 309 217, July 2000, Lebensmittelecht, 5-6422-200-55. Stolen at Saturn Alexanderplatz, Berlin
Produced by Bekuplast, Ringe in 2011.Property of Gemüsepool Pfand-/Leihkiste. M. Lebensmittelecht. Found in a summer night in front of a closed supermarket in Berlin Neukölln.
Produced and designed by Europool Systems in mai 2008.Property of Europool Systems. Lebensmittelecht. Industrial technology. Model 136. Taken from a pile of containers in Berlin Kreuzberg.
Produced by Stucki November 1989. Property of the Backfactory Wendeln. Bargained from a flower-shop owner in Berlin Kreuzberg.
Produced by Georg Utz. CH-5620 Bremgarten D-48465 SchüttorfProductnummer: 34-6432-G40. PP 05 Produced in June 2008A present by Georg Utz GmbH.
Produced by Pavoniin April 2010. Property of A. Polli. Per alimenti. EFR 6413: Tel 021-647 64 64.Taken from the bakery-shop on the platform of the railway station in Lausanne.
Stolen at Lincoln, Oxford, GB.
No indication of producer or production data. Property of the Migros/E.There is an indentification number, barcode and a magnetic code label. Stolen at the Migros in Chailly, Lausanne. To be localized by GPS.
Produced by Bauhaus. Date of Production unknown. Property of Romain Löser. PP Lebensmittelecht. Bought in 2009 at the Bauhaus construction market, Hermannplatz, in Berlin.
Property of Kamps AG,Produced by Bekuplast Ringe, Tel: 05944/ 9333-0, Fax: 5944/ 9333-50, July 2011, Lebensmittelecht, 2 HDPE.
Produced by Stückly-Nestal, March 1991for TMP. SLG 64 13. ST8262. 47. Bought from l'armée du salut in Lausanne.
swiss made by WEZ Oberentfeldem, 5 PP
Caisse maraîchère échangeable , Gemüse Tauschgebinde, Cassa per legumi, interscambiabile. UMS. VSGP. USPV. R G2.produced in 2000
Found in Lausanne.
Produced by Stückiin November 2010.Property of Boucherie du Vallet. Lebensmittelecht.
Stolen at the Vallis, Swizzerland.
Eigentum/ Propriété Bell, Produced by Stöckli Nestal, produced in May 2005, 05PP, %, ST8534, BELL B”, 71.Picked up in front of a Café. Place de la Riponne, Lausanne.
Produced by Bekuplast, Ringe in March 2011. No mark of ownership. Pat pend. Reg. Design. Tara 2,0kg. E2 multi-use container. Gift from the cashier of a EDEKA supermarket in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Produced by Wibo, june 1990.Property of Müllerbrot, Unveräußerliches Eigentum. Lebensmittelecht.Found behind the Volksbühne in Berlin.
Distribited by
Produced in 12.2012.
Bought at the construction market, Hermannplatz, Berlin.
Property of HORTOFRADES, Produced by RECIPLEX in Nov.86, M.REG, 644/R, Lebensmittelecht.
Exchanged in Sternebeck, Berlin.
Produced by Bekuplastin Januar 2010. Property of Horbäckerei, Unverkäufliches Eigentum. Lebensmittelecht, PP.
Stolen in Leipzig.
Produced by, tel: +31 31466440, March 2007, EF6413, 02, Lebensmittelecht. Found in Rue de Belleville, Paris.
Produced by Stückiin November 2001.Property of Meisterbäckerei Steinecke, 28368 Mariental. Lebensmittelecht.Found somewhere in Berlin.
Produced by Pavoni, Italyin Juli 2008.Property of Richard Herrmann GmbH. per alimenti.Picked up somewhere in the street.
Property of LEOPOLD-67-Pfaffenofen,Produced by LGE BAC DE Manutention in November 1973, 2912/16, 35 kg, MP15. Found in a trash bin in Berlin-Wedding.
Produced by Van Niftrik Maasdlik Hollandin Januar 1993. Property of CDF.Stolen in a Backyard in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Produced by Linpac Allibert,, CF, June 2011, REF. 20016, 05PP, L, K, N, M, 3.Bought in Eymet, France.
No property inscription. Produced by LINPAC ALLIBERT REF: 211CA 2011. JDE:02 PE. IFS: MNK
Bought in Marmande, France.
Produced by Georg Utz A.g. 5629 Bremgarten, Januar 2007.Property of Körner, Basel.Picked up in front of a Café. Place de la Riponne, Lausanne.
Produced by Georg Utz A.G. CH-5620 Bremgarten (Rako), February 2000. No mark of ownership. Made in Switzerland. 3-200U.Found in a garage in Lausanne.
Produced by Bekuplast in February 1998.Property of Rausch. Pat. pend. reg. designed. E2 multiuse container Tara 2.0 kg. 40 kg/ 500 kg. Only to be used on pallets or with trollies. Lebensmittelecht.I bought two of these boxes for 7€ in a second hand shop in Berlin-Wedding.
Property of F. Känzig Kilchberg, WEZ Swiss made, 24/2002.Found in Chandolin, Switzerland.
Produced by Georg Utz Group in 2005. Property of Bianchi. Found in Zurich in a Backyard of Langstrasse in 2013.
Produced by Bauhaus. Date of Production unknown. Property of Romain Löser. PP Lebensmittelecht. Bought in 2009 at the Bauhaus construction market, Hermannplatz, in Berlin.
Eigentum/Propriété Coop, Produced by Stöckle-Nestal, Januar 2008, R, C2 COOP, ST8534, 05PP.Found in Lausanne.
Produced by Bekuplastin April 2007. No mark of ownership. E2 multi-use container Tara 2,0kg. 30kg/ 500kg. Lebensmittelecht. DIN 55423. Only to be used on pallets or with trolleys. EHI Anforderungsprofil. Prüfungsecht.Stolen from Eberhard Haase Fleischerei und Metzgerei Marheinekeplatz 15, Berlin.